Starting Point: Services for Victims of Domestic & Sexual Violence was a recent recipient of a $5,000 donation from the Valley Originals, a collection of local restaurant owners. The Valley Originals make donations as a group and members also contribute individually throughout the year to non-profits through Dine to Donate programs and with gift certificates for fundraisers.
“Thanks to business leaders like those from Valley Originals, Starting Point is able to provide essentials that are often not covered by other funding,” Starting Point’s Outreach and Prevention Specialist Raetha Stoddard said. “We are incredibly fortunate to have an organization like Valley Originals that, although driven largely to serve the tourists, have not lost their vision for enhancing the very community people love to visit by taking care of those who live here.”
Over the past six years, the Valley Originals’ Giving Back Campaign has donated nearly $2 million to local causes.